Tuesday, May 13, 2014

RIP H.R. Giger

Giger was a true visionary.  His work intrudes itself on our minds in some horribly familiar way, like they are images that hide at the edges of what we want to believe is real.  In a zone made of things we know, but lost and entangled in each other, rude with evidence of their biological natures and viscerally insulting in their enmeshing...but impossible to look away from.  Out of that space he pulled images that seem to step out from a kind of universal subconscious and rendered them into shocking portraits.  He manged one of the greatest feats an artist can hope for.  His vision has become ours.

More "spitpainting"

Another batch of recent 30 minute sketch paints done for the "Spitpaint" group on Facebook.

"Mounted Archer"

"Magic Owl"

"Fairy Funeral"

"Cyberpunk Sewer"